
Represents the configuration object used to set up a DataForSeoAPISearch instance.

interface DataForSeoApiConfig {
    apiLogin?: string;
    apiPassword?: string;
    jsonResultFields?: string[];
    jsonResultTypes?: string[];
    params?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    topCount?: number;
    useJsonOutput?: boolean;


apiLogin?: string

The API login credential for DataForSEO. If not provided, it will be fetched from environment variables.

apiPassword?: string

The API password credential for DataForSEO. If not provided, it will be fetched from environment variables.

jsonResultFields?: string[]

Specifies the fields to include in each result object.

jsonResultTypes?: string[]

Specifies the types of results to include in the output.

params?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>

Additional parameters to customize the API request.

topCount?: number

Specifies the maximum number of results to return.

useJsonOutput?: boolean

Determines if the output should be in JSON format.
